Saturday, October 13, 2007

Minnesota, South Dakota

Here are some highlights from the trek across Minnesota and South Dakota. Beautiful country. Let me know what you think.


Christy said...

Nice camera work, VB. Love the shots of the skies. Cloud variations and sun themes. Loved your cycle's moving shadow against the golden (rim? wheat? something). Cool music too. Keep the videos comin'. We are travelin' with you.

MiaScarface09 said...

VB, I was going to boycot the whole blog thing because you skipped Useless, Daigneau and I on the cross-country. I was, however, instructed by Chester to check out you and the tree docter laying down some smooth tracks. Looks like it has been a good trip. Stay safe and dry. Sta and the Kid say Hi.


Unknown said...

Loved the shots of the grasslands in SD; sunsetting, shadow of the bike, wind in the grass all made me wish I was along for the ride.


Robyn said...

Awesome.. Each posting is more creative than the next.. I really enjoyed this one and felt a bit dizzy when it was done (but in a good way!)

I am both jealous and so glad I am not doing what your doing at the same time!

Keep on cyclin'

VB said...

Thanks guys for all your positive feedback.