This is what I did yesterday. For the first time in my travels, it rained...a lot. Luckily, my rainsuit and gear stayed relatively dry. Riding in the rain is not the most fun and can be quite dangerous so this leg took me much longer than I anticipated. I'm currently visiting an old high school and college buddy, Josh Kobrin, in Toledo, OH. He's here for a year clerking for a district judge. I haven't seen him in eight years.
Kudos Joel for carrying out your adventure. Every man needs to test himself and seek those spiritual journeys. I'm jealous, sounds like you are having an awesome learning experience and seeing some amazing places. Needless to say you will always have a place down south to crash, Steph and I would love to see you. I will still be on clinical medicine rotations for the next 8 months but would love to take some time off to hang out. Keep up the blog site and I will stop in regularly to check out your progress. Love you man.
Southern Cuzin
Thanks Gabe- I look forward to catching up with the two of you in a few weeks.
Take care,
Nice work with the maps - they look good.
Great to see you - come back and visit the "Glass City" anytime!
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